Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Our Journey So Far.....

 Boy oh boy have we been busy! The past few months have been very interesting, challenging yet so much fun & so many blessings have come! We started as a lil family of 2 added Cowboy a few months later and almost 5yrs later we've become a lil family of 4!! There's never a dull moment needless to say in this house & why should there be??

@ The Dallas Cowboy Thanksgiving game 2009.
We attend each year except for 2010, I was pregnant & sick!

Cowboy is now 4yrs old and crazy as can be. Keeps us busy still and not to mention he is helping us get in shape & lose weight. He goes for daily walks & makes new friends along the way. Some he gets along with & others, well lets just say if we never ever see them again we'll be just fine LOL. He's very protective over the baby & keeps a close eye on her & everything we do with her. If she's crying, no matter where he is he will come running to check on her.  If we're not around he will come find us & lead us to her bed or where ever she may be. I was a bit scared & worried that things would be bad with a new baby considering he has been my baby for so long, but he has adjusted well to her & boy am I happy. We never leave them alone together, yet we socialize them so he knows that she's a part of our lil family & she's here to stay. I have to say it's so sweet how he will lick the bottom of her foot & keep walking. I guess it's his way of say "hello" LOL. Mans best friend, forever!!!

my 2 babies..watching PBS together

my sweet Angel & my sweet Pitbull

Baby Nala is now 11 weeks old, yes she's almost 3 months :) YAY!! I can't believe how quickly time has gone by. It's actually going by too fast for me. I feel as if I just gave birth & she's almost 3 months. I miss how tiny she use to be. Before I know it, she'll be running LOL. I'm grateful however that she's growing so healthy & strong! She's already holding her head up so steady & she's more mobile. I remember after giving birth I would hold her up to my chest & she would try to hold up her head & check everything out hahaha. Nothing's changed except she's much more stronger & doing it more & more. She's so active & hates to put down. Always wants to either stand up in your lap or sit completely up but not against your chest of arm but on your knees with nothing against her back. She's fiesty already & I can tell will be active. Oh boy, mom & dad will be busy with this one LOL!

Only 4 days old.....she was soo tiny!
The saying is true, good things come in small packages!

1 month old...With my niece Kaelyn, my sister Nala's daughter.
This was the weekend of baby Nala's blessing. Sister Nala, Mite, kids & my dad
from Texas all came & also my cousin Dorothy & 2 of her kids...what a great weekend

We will be heading to Dallas soon to visit our family there. I wish it weren't sooo far away. I would really love for my daughter to grow up surrounded by my sister Nala, my brother in-law Mite, their kids & my dad but for now we have to make the best of our situation. I hope it will be a smooth ride there & back. Nala & I traveled to Los Angeles, Dallas & Las Vegas and also many times to Oahu, but that was prior to me giving birth. She had her very 1st airplane ride a few weeks ago to Oahu which was only 25mins long & she did well. She slept right before boarding & slept there & back. But going to the mainland will be much longer & we're hoping for the best. We'll be flying to Arizona from Oahu, spend a day in Arizona & then off to Dallas. I'm hoping she will sleep majority of the time. I know passengers can't stand a crying baby, so we'll see what happens..wish us luck :)

with Daddy waiting for our flight to Oahu to meet her
great-grandpa Inoke F. Vimahi, aunties, uncles & cousins

my lil beauty...she's the light in my eyes, the beat of my heart, my life
my all

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