Wednesday, July 6, 2011

3 Months Already????

OMGEEEE!! Where has all the time gone? I literally feel like I just gave birth yet my baby has turned 3 months already. I guess the saying is true, time flies when you're having fun & fun it sure has been! Baby Nala is growing soo fast! She loves to stand & tries to sit-up alone. She loves to talk story & makes perfect eye contact. Perfect if she's going to make great impressions with people in the future :) I'm so amazed at all that she does now & to be so young. Each day that we are together I fall more in love with her. I am so grateful she's mine & that we can share each others lives together. She's been the true blessing that I have asked for, for so long!

Our days are filled with lots of laughter, kisses & hugs! We sit together for hours & hours with me just holding her & loving her. I can't think of anything I'd much rather do with my life than to be her mother. I can't imagine this life & the next without my sweet angel. I have been blessed with soo many things, opportunities & so on, but by far being a mother is & always will be my greatest blessing & accomplishment. To know that I am someones mommy makes me so grateful. How could Heavenly Father have agreed to allow such a thing? What have I done to deserve such a blessing? Who knows, but all I know is that I will strive to be the best mommy I can be to my baby girl.

My Sweet Angel...Anelaokalani Taionala Maile, 3 months :)
I love you sooo much!

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