Thursday, January 3, 2013

Merry Christmas & Happy 2013

I always tell myself that starting in July I'm going to start my Christmas preparations such as gift buying, getting decorations in place and planned out. Getting our color theme together and stockings made and our list of things to accomplish so that we can avoid the last minute run around like chickens with our heads cut off. My intentions are always good but getting those things accomplished has proven to be impossible.

I'm pretty organized and plan for things well but for some reason I get lost when it comes to holiday preparations lol. Needless to say we had a great Christmas filled with lots of love, laughter, too much food and lots of great memories made. It was our daughters second one and this time I noticed she's more aware of what's going on and she definitely knows what presents are now ;)

Thankful to have wonderful friends who are more like family who always remember our baby. We're definitely blessed with great friends. As always our plans include trying to make it to Dallas to be with family but once again this year that didn't go as planned. What did we do?? We just went with the flow and everything turned out well and boy was Santa good to our baby girl. She better keep this up if she wants him to come back this coming Chistmas lol...seems like the older they get the more expensive gifts get, but it's the joy and excitement in their little faces as they anticipate what's inside.

As we begin a new year, I am hopeful and prayerful that we continue to learn, grow, love hard & strong together. That we are better parents and better spouses and better people in general. May prosperity be yours and an abundance of blessings upon you and your loved ones....Happy New Year...❤❤❤ The Hafoka Ohana

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