Monday, October 29, 2012

Hater of Cancer!!!!

The key is early detection! Many lives are saved this way. Do self-examinations, go see your doctor, get mammograms or any time anything feels unusual let your doctor know. Many can and will survive! We can beat this horrible disease together by sharing with others what we know and encouraging men and women to get tested if at anytime anything is not normal.

Men get breast cancer as well. This disease knows no gender or age all it knows is that it wants to attack but we can attack back by doing simple things such as examinations and regular visits to our gynecologists.

Lets fight this together!!!!

What A Weekend..

This past weekend was quite eventful. It started with a beautiful babyshower for one of my dear friends little sister who just so happens to be married to one of my cousins I found out ;) it's such a small world. We had so much fun! It was so nice to hang out & get to know my family on my dads side. There was lots of good food, drinks, fun games and great company.

Saturday was also our wards Trunk or Treat for the kids. At this event members and their families come together, decorate their car trunks and once it gets dark the kids dressed in their cute costumes walk around and trunk or treat. We just love it and we had lots of fun! There was also games and a chilli and rice competition.

While we were enjoying ourselves a loud announcement was made that a tsunami was coming and due to hit our Hawaiian shores in less than 2 hours. Since being married this is our third Tsunami warning and evacuation.The fear some of us felt including myself was evident and everyone quickly packed up and you can see a line of cars lined up exiting the church parking lot. Once we got home we pulled out our 72hr emergency kits and waited to be evacuated.

It was just my daughter and I at home because Hifo was working and I couldn't get a hold of him and I was starting to become more afraid. It was getting closer to the arrival time of the first wave. The only thing I knew to do was to say a prayer with my baby. Instantly I had a comforting feeling and I knew we would be safe. So like clock work my baby knocked out and I fell asleep as well. We didn't evacuate and Hifo came home to find us fast asleep. We weren't sure what would happen when we woke up but we knew Heavenly Father was watching over us, our friends, family and our beloved Hawaii Nei. Thankfully no serious damage happened and the water never reached our home.

This morning at church was just as eventful. We were surprised and wondered why our Stake Presidency was present at sacrament meeting. To all of our surprise our dear Bishop was getting released. There was tears of joy and sadness but in a grateful way. Bishop Bowers had been our Bishop for the past 5yrs and has been a great help in our lives. We have been in the Kihei ward now for 3yrs. Bishop Bowers has stepped in and helped us in such difficult times especially when we had no one to turn to. His counsel I respect and appreciate. We will miss seeing him up there in his seat yet grateful to have Bro Kama as our new Bishop.

Brishop Kama is a local Fijian man who is humble, always smiling and helpful in every way. I know he has been called by God and he is a man of God. His counselors are Bro. Corpuz and Bro. Spurrier. They both are great men whom I know are men of God and will serve diligently in their callings. Bro Corpuz we've known from our home ward Kahului before we moved to Kihei. He's an awesome guy! Bro Spurrier is from Laie and just your humble loving local guy and him and his wife are expecting their 1st baby on Thanksgiving day. We're so happy and excited for the new changes in our ward and look forward to wonderful things in store.

Although this weekend went from being happy to being scared to being happy again lol it ended with humbling experiences and I am just grateful....grateful for my family, friends, life experiences that teach me to be a better wife and mother and I'm most grateful for the gospel. I know at times I'm a little crazy and I get a little nuts, but my testimony of this church never ever wavers!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Inside My Head..

These last few weeks I've been doing a lot of soul searching, thinking and more thinking. I thought about all the good, the bad and the most horrible things I've experienced in my life. Nope my life hasn't been perfect and will never be and nope I haven't always made the best decesions in life. I realize that there are a lot of things that need to be adjusted and changed altogether.

Through out my life I have always secluded myself, doing my own thing and I didn't care too much to participate in a lot of things. Did I make friends? Sure I did but my friends were very limited. Some of those people I have kept in touch with and most of them I couldn't tell you where on earth they are today. I'm sure if we were to either run into each other or meet on social media it would be cool and we'd spend a few minutes catching up but frankly that's not my priority anymore.

Since becoming a wife and mother I've come to realize that they are my one and only priority. The friends I have today are people that are there for me and my little family. People that I can count on no matter what. They are people that accept me as I am and don't question who I am, where I've been and what I've done. They are people that make me feel a part of their lives as much as I make them a part of mine.

I have lots of family yet only a handful make me feel loved and appreciated and that's fine too. Just because we're related doesn't necessary mean we have to always get along or be together all the time. Sometimes it's hard to accept but that's life and hell what can we do right?

I am learning that we don't always have to be accepted and if we're not that's that person's issue. From personal experience I have learned that the things we say or do can cut someone's self esteem to the very very least bit and hurt someone to the core. I also know this to be true because its happened to me as well. So changing what I say and do in reference to others. I'd hate to be the cause of any madness in anyone's life.

Another thing changing is my need to please others. I'm often left looking stupid and annoyed and plain hurt by others and their inconsideration but I'm pretty good at picking myself up dusting things off and keeping things moving. It's sometimes a hard lesson to learn but we do it and move on.

I wish that I could adopt my husbands I don't give a rip what others think attitude. We have many conversations about that and he constantly counsels me about that and letting things go for myself. In order to be happy I pretty much need to rid of negative things in people form, material things and most important the negative things I feel about myself. I knew that hahahahaha....

I go for long walks with one of the greatest women I've ever met, my friend Maile every morning. We walk 2 hours a day and the talks we have are some of the best talks I've ever had with anyone! She inspires me and encourages me. She's had many of the same struggles that I have had and continue to have yet she turns every negative into a positive. Something I totally need to learn to do!!!

I swear she and I messed up and she got on the wrong family wagon in heaven lol I'm kidding. She has one of the best loving families ever and so do I. My sister and my dad are irreplaceable and much of who I am is the direct influence of my sister Nala and my wonderful dad. My sister is the greatest woman I've ever known in my life. That is the main reason why we decided to name our daughter after her and hope she will have those wonderful characteristics someday. My dad has had to make many sacrifices through the years for my sister and I and I will forever be grateful to him. He loves us unconditional and I'm grateful for that.

I thirst positivity in my life. So many of my struggles is fueled from not being able to forgive this and that from the past. I often hear that forgiveness is for thyself more than for the person who has offended us and hurt us in some way. I find that true and I hope in time I can get better with that principle. It's not just forgiving others and being forgiven by who I've offended but a great deal of self forgiveness. That's one of my greatest struggles. It's a never ending battle. To battle yourself over something like that is horrible. It's both mentally and emotionally draining!! It's like being in a mental prison and dying to get out! Mental issues?? Maybe who knows but I believe the only way to better that part of my life is to face those fears and truly forgive myself.

That's where my husband comes in the big ole picture of my crazy life. He has got to be the easiest, forgiving, loving person. I can write a whole book about the wrongs he has been dealt by others yet he's never sour, sad or angry about anything. There's always a smile even when his ear drums are about to bust with my yelling & complaining! I tell you, I'm not deserving of such a wonderful husband but the Lord probably knew how desperate my life needed such a person and our paths crossed. I'm thankful each day for the love and support he gives me. He encourages me to be me and to be proud of the person I am. I wish it were that easy ;((

The last 2 years have been the best years of my life. After years of infertility my husband and I were able to meet the most wonderful fertility specialist, Dr. John Fratterelli in Oahu, who helped us make our baby dreams come true. With lots of prayers from loved ones along with our many, many pleas the Lord willingly blessed us and we became parents to our beautiful daughter who is now 18 months old. She's brought so much joy in such a short time into our lives. I just can't imagine my life without her!! The only other times in my life that I was genuinely happy was the birth of my sister Nala's 3 children. I always say and I believe her kids were indeed my saving graces at that time. I love them just as much as I love my own baby and I would do anything for them.

As I look forward to things that are sure to come I am grateful for all that I do have large or small. I am hopeful and prayerful that good or bad I will take it and apply it in positive ways in my life. I pray to continue to grow as a wife and a mother and that someday my demons won't be sooo loud and possibly find themselves a new home.....

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Growing My Own Onions...

So a long time ago a good friend of mine who is all about self-reliance and is as frugal as the word frugal can be, told me this clever little tip. I was thinking I'm so far from being a green thumb so I took mental notes and left it at that.

What she told me was that if we cut the white ends of green onions and place them in a glass of water it will instantly grow more green onions.

Fast forward...I'm checking out Pinterest and there was a few pins in regards to the green onions. I decided ok, I'll give it a try and wa-la we have green onions ;) it's still growing but in just a day it started to grow and indeed I'm a believer.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Hellooo October & Helloooo Fall..

Ok so Hawaii doesn't exactly have four seasons but I like to pretend. I tell you once you experience four seasons it's hard not to fall in love with those certain times of the year. Fall and winter happen to be my favorite.

Fall is beautiful because the leaves start to change their colors and soon begin to fall. You people who have to rake leaves might not agree but I find this time of the year enjoyable. If you live somewhere extremely hot during the summer, then fall is a much welcomed season. Even the meanest winter weathers I love to be in. I just love the cold wind when it hits your face! I know, I'm crazy but that's just me ;) Plus I love love love to wear boots, sweaters, scarves and hoodies!

October is one of our favorite months of the year because of Halloween. This year we decided that our daughter will dress up as a baby bee and I will be the queen bee. We're not so sure yet what her dad will be but he usually doesn't get into the Halloween spirit like I do. Except of course when we get home with all the candy in the world then he's all for it lol.

I also love to decorate the house and get pumpkins and deck out the gate and front door area of our house. It's always fun to see all the neighbors and their decorations too. Especially those that go all out with monsters and goblins. It shall be exciting to see all the kids react to our neighbors scary decorations that they put up each year. .
Our ward has a trunk or treat planned for the kids which we are excited for. Can't wait to decorate our car and have some fun with all of the kids.

We are so excited for the pumpkin patch to open Upcounty in Kula. Kula Farms is very cute and they have tons and tons of pumpkins from super huge to the tiniest ones ever. They're pretty reasonable as well and we usually get about 4 pumpkins. Kula Farms also sells produce of all sorts, jams and other products. All of the produce and vegetables are grown on their farm as well as the pumpkins. The thing I really liked about going is being able to pick your own and actually cutting it off the vine. It was so much fun and we look forward for their opening day.

Hope as the holidays start approaching it is a joyful time for you all....