Thursday, March 8, 2012


In a short few weeks my Anela will be 1 YEARS OLD!! I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. This time last year we were just putting baby stuff together and getting her things into place. We were in the process of moving into our home and so many more other things were going on. Next thing I was giving birth and who knows where the time has gone, but I'm now planning her 1st birthday! Never the less I'm grateful and it would take me years to sit here and recall all the wonderful memories we've made together in such a short time. Just grateful that I'm a mom! It's the most amazing, most rewarding thing ever in life!!! I wish all women in this world the opportunity to experience the best thing ever...motherhood
I love my baby unconditional and I can't wait to make more memories with her and see where her path in life may take her. Thank you Lord for blessing me with such a gift....I love you my Anela girl

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