I'm proud to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! I've never been a person to worry about what others may think of me or say about me. It just wasn't something that occupied my time. I know people all over this world have their opinions about this and that and that's perfectly fine with me, I totally respect that.
I have many friends of different religion backgrounds. Some are faithful church goers and follow their beliefs as I do. I also have friends that believe there is a God but choose not to attend church. There are some that don't believe in God and have never been to a church service in their lives. As much as I couldn't belive that, it was true and there are plenty of people in this world who haven't. The fact is there are so many different religions around this world. Everyone will have their own opinion about their religion versus the next, it's human nature and I respect them all.
There has always been a debate about Mormons and are Mormons Christians, do we believe in God and Jesus Christ. We pray to Joseph Smith etc., the list goes on and on. The fact is Mormons are Christians and YES we do believe in God and Jesus Christ! There may be some differences in our religion compared to others, but Mormons want what's spiritually best for their families as does the next person. I can sit here and write for days the wonderful reasons why I'm a member of the church and all that comes along with that, but that would take days, weeks and months so to make a long story short here goes...........
My Testimony:
I know the church is true, it's my personal testimony something that's not easy to explain. It's more of a feeling inside. I know that what I learn and try to follow in the Gospel to be true and I'm grateful to have those teachings in my life. I do love God and I do love Jesus Christ. I know He died for me to make it possible that I may return to be with Him and Heavenly Father some day. I know that we have a living Prophet this day, Thomas S. Monson that leads us and guides us as Heavenly Father would have him to. The Book of Mormon is true and IS another testament of Jesus Christ. Ordinances that take place in the Temple are sacred and of the Lord. I'm grateful to know that my family is eternal and that we will be together forever.......
I shrug off the ex-mormon tactics but I respect their opinions and their thoughts. They once were members and for whatever reason have left the church. My only wish is that they would respect the church and go on with their lives worshiping whatever, wherever and however they choose. I've always wondered what's the reason behind their tactics and what do they get out of it. I have found that many of them are former members that have been scorned or offended by someone or something at church causing them to fall away and eventually disconnect from the church completely. It's my opinion that those that choose to leave the church and turn around and write terrible things about the church and make sacred things public is no better than satan himself. For the truth always prevails and that's what I believe about the Mormon church. There will come a day when the nay sayers and doubters will come to know of its truthfulness.
Everyones experience as a Mormon is different. It's safe to say that it works for some and for others it seems too organized or too strict or too much of an inconvenience to their lifestyle. As for me it's perfect! It has brought many wonderful changes in my life and a surety in my heart that what I'm doing and where I'm at spiritually is what's best for me and my lil family. It's not for the next person to judge or exploit to their liking, but hopefully to respect.
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